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Key Aspects of Software Release Planning in Industry

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


19th Australian Software Engineering Conference


IEEE Computer Society Press


Software release planning is the process of deciding what to include in future release(s) of a product. Basically the problem can be seen as a company-wide optimization problem involving many stakeholders where the goal is to maximize utilization of the often limited resources of a company and turn them into business benefit. Saliu and Ruhe have proposed a set of key aspects for release planning methods, of which only a subset have been validated in industry. In this paper we use the Saliu and Ruhe key aspects as a starting point for identifying key aspects of release planning. To do this we have performed a multiple case study involving 7 international industrial companies, all producers of software intensive products. Our contribution is 1) a more strict meaning of a release planning key aspect, 2) validation of some of the aspects proposed by Saliu and Ruhe, and 3) an extension of the key aspects. We also capture state-of-thepractice for release planning in industry.


author = {Markus Lindgren and Rikard Land and Christer Norstr{\"o}m and Anders Wall},
title = {Key Aspects of Software Release Planning in Industry},
month = {March},
year = {2008},
booktitle = {19th Australian Software Engineering Conference},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
url = {}