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Mutating Aspect-Oriented Models to Test Cross-Cutting Concerns


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


10th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis


Aspect-oriented (AO) modeling is used to separate normal behaviors of software from specific behaviors that affect many parts of the software. These are called “cross-cutting concerns,” and include things such as interrupt events, exception handling, and security protocols. AO modeling allow developers to model the behaviors of cross-cutting concerns independently of the normal behavior. Aspect-oriented models (AOM) are then transformed into code by “weaving” the aspects (modeling the cross-cutting concerns) into all locations in the code where they are needed. Testing at this level is unnecessarily complicated because the concerns are often repeated in many locations and because the concerns are muddled with the normal code. This paper presents a method to design robustness tests at the abstract, or model, level. The models are mutated with novel operators that specifically target the features of AOM, and tests are designed to kill those mutants. The tests are then run on the implementation level to evaluate the behavior of the woven cross-cutting concerns.


author = {Birgitta Lindstr{\"o}m and Sten F. Andler and Jeff Offutt and Paul Pettersson and Daniel Sundmark},
title = {Mutating Aspect-Oriented Models to Test Cross-Cutting Concerns},
month = {April},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {10th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis},
url = {}