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The E-Care@Home Infrastructure for IoT-Enabled Healthcar


Nicolas Tsiftes , Simon Duquennoy , Thiemo Voigt , Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Uwe Köckemann , Amy Loutfi

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


The 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare


The E-Care@Home Project aims at providing a comprehensive IoT-based healthcare system, including state-of-the-art communication protocols and high-level analysis of data from various types of sensors. With this poster, we present its novel technical infrastructure, consisting of low-power IPv6 networking, sensors for health monitoring, and resource-efficient software, that is used to gather data from elderly patients and their surrounding environment.


author = {Nicolas Tsiftes and Simon Duquennoy and Thiemo Voigt and Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Uwe K{\"o}ckemann and Amy Loutfi},
title = {The E-Care@Home Infrastructure for IoT-Enabled Healthcar},
editor = { Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum, Wasim Raad },
month = {October},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {The 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare},
url = {}