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Power-Aware Cloud Brownout: response time and power consumption control



Alessandro Papadopoulos, Jakub Krzywda , Erik Elmroth , Martina Maggio

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control




Cloud computing infrastructures are powering most of the web hosting services that we use at all times. A recent failure in the Amazon cloud infrastructure made many of the website that we use on a hourly basis unavailable1. This illustrates the importance of cloud applications being able to absorb peaks in workload, and at the same time to tune their power requirements to the power and energy capacity offered by the data center infrastructure. In this paper we combine an established technique for response time control – brownout – with power capping. We use cascaded control to take into account both the need for predictability in the response times (the inner loop), and the power cap (the outer loop). We execute tests on real machines to determine power usage and response times models and extend an existing simulator. We then evaluate the cascaded controller approach with a variety of workloads and both open- and closed-loop client models.


author = {Alessandro Papadopoulos and Jakub Krzywda and Erik Elmroth and Martina Maggio},
title = {Power-Aware Cloud Brownout: response time and power consumption control},
pages = {2686--2691},
month = {December},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
url = {}