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Using Safety Analysis Techniques To Derive Safety Properties For Formal Verification Of Safety-Critical Systems



Ermia Hassanpour

Publication Type:

Master Theses


DiVA portal


Failure of safety-critical systems may cause severe injury to humans or the environment. In order to ensure the safety of such systems, rigorous methods must be used. Formal verification is one of these methods that helps in ensuring the system safety based on robust mathematical methods. Formal verification helps to prove certain properties of the model. This mathematical proof can strengthen the evidence for the safety claims of the system and help in standardization and receiving certificates. Defining safety properties for formal verification, more specifically for model checking, is very challenging. Finding the right set of properties, and writing these properties as temporal logic formulas, are difficult tasks for safety experts, software engineers, and developers. Model-driven development utilizes the concept of abstraction to deal with the complexity of systems and allow for earlier safety analysis. In this thesis, we intend to use model-driven methods and their supporting safety analysis tools to help in deriving the safety properties for model checking. We use Timed Rebeca language and Afra model checking tool for formal verification, and CHESS tools for modelling the system and for safety analysis. As part of CHESS, ConcertoFLA technique includes the combination and automation of traditional safety analysis techniques that provide a qualitative assessment of the dependability of component-based systems. Failure Propagation Trans- form Calculus (FPTC) rules are the result of ConcertoFLA analysis. We extract safety contracts from FPTC rules. Then, we introduce a mapping between safety contracts and temporal logic prop- erties in Afra. We also map internal block diagrams and sequence diagrams from CHESS models to Rebeca models to be able to perform model checking. Furthermore, we applied our approach to two case studies and used safety analysis results to more effectively derive the safety properties, and model check and debug the models.


author = {Ermia Hassanpour},
title = {Using Safety Analysis Techniques To Derive Safety Properties For Formal Verification Of Safety-Critical Systems},
month = {October},
year = {2022},
url = {}