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A Case Based Approach Using Behavioural Biometrics to Determine a Users Stress Level


Johan Andrén , Peter Funk

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


In Workshop proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning


One of today's largest and most costly health problem in the industrialized world is caused by stress related illnesses. High stress levels lead to reduced productivity and poor health. Stress puts high strain on a persons physiology and will eventually lead to a variety of di®erent illnesses requiring sic leave and medical treatment. Increasing number of people use computers in their daily work, e-mail, account- ing, writing reports, programming etc. A number of tools exist that uses personalized timers to remind a person to take brakes regularly. This is rarely su±cient for e±cient stress management. - We propose a system that monitors a persons stress level and with suitable techniques and methods reduces a persons stress to safe levels. Biometrical data such as keystroke dynamics are used today in security applications for iden- ti¯cation of a persons identity. We suggest that a similar approach is used for stress level detection. This paper proposes a CBR approach to determine patients stress level based upon biometrical data. A prototype and initial tests show promising results. The system calibrates itself to the user using user feedback.


author = {Johan Andr{\'e}n and Peter Funk},
title = {A Case Based Approach Using Behavioural Biometrics to Determine a Users Stress Level},
editor = {Isabelle Bichindaritz, Cindy Marling},
month = {August},
year = {2005},
booktitle = {In Workshop proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning},
url = {}