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Simulation of Bluetooth™ Scatternet for battery life optimization



David Espinosa Alfaro

Research group:

Publication Type:

Student Thesis


This project tries to solve one of the biggest problems in radio communications systems: the battery consumption of the devices. The report of this project is structured according to this way: �� First of all, it begins with an introduction to Bluetooth, where the most important points of this technology are analyzed. This introduction is really important for later understanding of the problem and the solution developed. �� Next it comes a second part which constitutes the main part of the project: a deep analysis of the considered problem, the solution designed to solve this problem, and the results obtained with the simulations. �� Finally, it is shown some future steps that may be done to complete this project, and the conclusions of the whole project.


@mastersthesis{Espinosa Alfaro913,
author = {David Espinosa Alfaro},
title = {Simulation of Bluetooth™ Scatternet for battery life optimization},
month = {March},
year = {2006},
url = {}