Magnus Wiktorsson, Visiting Professor

Magnus Wiktorsson is visiting professor at the research environment for Innovation and Product realisation at Mälardalen University since November 2017.

During 2008-2014 he was senior lecturer and associate professor at Mälardalen University and during 2014-2017 he was professor of Production Systems at Mälardalen University. During the years at MDH, he also held positions as vice dean for the school of Innovation, design and engineering at MDH and pro-dean for Research and Research Education at Mälardalen University.

Magnus Wiktorsson received his M.Sc. (systems engineering) from KTH 1995 and his Ph.D.(manufacturing systems) from KTH 2000. His professional background includes management consultancy at IBM Consulting Group and at Grufman Reje Management (2000-2005), and a position as senior programme manager at Vinnova - the Swedish governmental agency for Innovation systems (2005-2008). 

Magnus Wiktorsson's research focus the design, modelling and performance prediction of production systems. With a academic background in applied mathematics and systems engineering, and an industrial background in operations management, Magnus analyses production systems with respect to efficiency, sustainability and performance.

Project TitleStatus
Accelerating Innovation at the Fuzzy Front-End of Production System Development finished
CIMMREC - Circular Models for Mixed and Multi Material Recycling in Manufacturing active
Embedding innovation-oriented work within lean-production systems finished
EQUIP: User-Supplier integration in production equipment design finished
Flaggskeppsfabriken finished
Green Production Systems finished
INNOFACTURE - innovative manufacturing development active
KIT kundinvolverad tjänsteutveckling finished
Large scale production of mixed material products finished
LEAD - Lean Automation Development finished
Lean and Green Production Navigator finished
Lean Automation Business - within SIO PiiA finished
MEMIMAN - Material Efficiency Management in Manufacturing finished
PADME - Process Automation for Discrete Manufacturing Excellence finished
Power Aware Cord finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Internal Materials Handling in a Lean Manufacturing Environment finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Manufacturing Strategy finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Performance Measurement System for Manufacturing Systems finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Redesign av produktionssystem finished
PROLOC - Manufacturing Footprint during the Product´s Life Cycle finished
Scenario för Materialeffektivitet i tillverkning finished
Strategic Mobility Scania finished
SuRe BPMS - Sustainable and Resource Efficient Business Performance Measurement Systems finished
Sustainable production of alcohol sensors finished
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering finished
PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Fredrik Ore
Sasha Shahbazi

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Erik Flores-García