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DPAC solemn inauguration


Profile Leader Professor Kristina Lundqvist, MDH Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Pettersson, MDH CEO Madelene Sandström, KKS Product Line Manager Dr Thomas Thelin, ABB


Project inauguration

Start time:

2015-10-01 09:00

End time:

2015-10-01 10:15


Room Zeta

Contact person:


Welcome to the inauguration of the research profile DPAC 

October 1st, 2015, at 09:00-10:15

Room Zeta at MDH campus Västerås (Högskoleplan 1)

Cake and coffee will be served after the presentations 


With DPAC MDH establishes a long term research profile in the field of high performance safety critical electronic systems for autonomous vehicles, robotics and control systems in order to improve safety and efficiency in the region's manufacturing industry.