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A Responsibility-Based Pattern Language for Usability-Supporting Architectural Patterns


Bonnie E. John , Len Bass , Elspeth Golden , Pia Stoll

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


EICS 2009




Usability-supporting architectural patterns (USAPs) were developed as a way to explicitly connect the needs of architecturally-sensitive usability concerns to the design of software architecture. In laboratory studies, the Cancellation USAP was shown to significantly improve the quality of architecture designs for supporting the ability to cancel a longrunning command, sparking interest from a large industrial organization to develop new USAPs and apply them to their product line architecture design. The challenges of delivering the architectural information contained in USAPs to practicing software architects led to the development of a pattern language for USAPs based on software responsibilities and a web-based tool for evaluating an architecture with respect to those patterns.


author = {Bonnie E. John and Len Bass and Elspeth Golden and Pia Stoll},
title = {A Responsibility-Based Pattern Language for Usability-Supporting Architectural Patterns},
month = {June},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {EICS 2009},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}