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Integrating Usability-Supporting Architecture Patterns in a Product Line System’s Architecture



Pia Stoll, Len Bass , Bonnie E. John , Elspeth Golden

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Fifth SEI Architecture Technology User Network Conference




This presentation will describe the application of Usability Supporting Architectural Patterns (USAPs) to the architecture design of a product line of systems. The patterns were delivered by a web enabled prototype tool. The tool prompted the designers with architecture responsibilities specific to their chosen usability scenarios, then required the designers to respond to each responsibility and additionally provided the designer with implementation instructions in a textual, rather than a component, form. The designers used the USAP delivery tool in the early design phase and were extremely positive. Two designers using the USAP delivery tool for five hours discovered 14 major issues related to usability support in the core architecture not previously incorporated in the architecture design. Two potential new subsystems were identified during this exercise.


author = {Pia Stoll and Len Bass and Bonnie E. John and Elspeth Golden},
title = {Integrating Usability-Supporting Architecture Patterns in a Product Line System’s Architecture},
month = {May},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {Fifth SEI Architecture Technology User Network Conference},
publisher = {SEI},
url = {}