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Functional reliability analysis of Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal System of Indian 500MWe PFBR

Publication Type:

Journal article


Nuclear Engineering and Design




Passive systemsare increasingly deployedinnuclear industry with an objective of increasing reliability and safety of operations with reduced cost. Methods for assessing the reliability of thermal–hydraulic passive systems, that is systems with moving working fluid, address the issues in natural buoyancy-driven flow that could result in a failure to meet the design safety limits under accident scenarios. This is referred as design functional reliability. This paper presents the results of functional reliability analysis carried out for the passive Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal System (SGDHRS) of Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR). The analysis is carried out based on the overall approach reported in the Reliability Methods for Passive System (RMPS, European Commission) project. Functional failure probability is calculated using Monte-Carlo method and also with method of moments.


author = {Senthil Kumar Chandran},
title = {Functional reliability analysis of Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal System of Indian 500MWe PFBR},
volume = {238},
pages = {2369--2376},
month = {February},
year = {2008},
journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
publisher = {Elsevier},
url = {}