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Efficient embedded systems education by adopting component based software development paradigm

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


SEAA 2013 - Workshop on Teaching, Education and Training for Dependable Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems




Providing contemporary and quality education on fast changing technological areas has always been a major challenge to the academic community. The requirements and challenges faced by the embedded systems educators to cope with the fast-paced changes happening in technological development, learning models and medium of instruction etc. are very much similar to that faced by dependable embedded systems developers. In this context we see a lot of potential for relating and adapting the research efforts undertaken in EU Projects such as SafeCer in using component based development (CBD) approach for building adaptable, certifiable systems at lower costs. We describe some such similarities and contemplate how one could potentially leverage on the approaches and results existing in the CBD world by adopting and adapting them to support efficient curriculum development and management. Such an approach is expected to provide the course developers with immense opportunities for building and sharing their courses beyond the originally targeted community.


author = {Sasikumar Punnekkat},
title = {Efficient embedded systems education by adopting component based software development paradigm},
pages = {397--401},
month = {September},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {SEAA 2013 - Workshop on Teaching, Education and Training for Dependable Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems },
url = {}