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A Personalized Health-Monitoring System for Elderly by Combining Rules and Case-based Reasoning

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health


Health-monitoring system for elderly in home environment is a promising solution to provide efficient medical services that increasingly interest by the researchers within this area. It is often more challenging when the system is self-served and functioning as personalized provision. This paper proposed a personalized self-served health-monitoring system for elderly in home environment by combining general rules with a case-based reasoning approach. Here, the system generates feedback, recommendation and alarm in a personalized manner based on elderly’s medical information and health parameters such as blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, activity, pulse, etc. A set of general rules has used to classify individual health parameters. The case-based reasoning approach is used to combine all different health parameters, which generates an overall classification of health condition. According to the evaluation result considering 323 cases and k=2 i.e., top 2 most similar retrieved cases, the sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy are achieved as 90%, 97% and 96% respectively. The preliminary result of the system is acceptable since the feedback; recommendation and alarm messages are personalized and differ from the general messages. Thus, this approach could be possibly adapted for other situations in personalized elderly monitoring.


author = {Mobyen Uddin Ahmed},
title = {A Personalized Health-Monitoring System for Elderly by Combining Rules and Case-based Reasoning},
month = {June},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health},
url = {}