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A Method to Generate Reusable Safety Case Argument-Fragments from Compositional Safety Analysis


Publication Type:

Journal article


Journal of Systems and Software: Special Issue on Software Reuse






Safety-critical systems usually need to be accompanied by an explained and well-founded body of evidence to show that the system is acceptably safe. While reuse within such systems covers mainly code, reusing accompanying safety artefacts is limited due to a wide range of context dependencies that need to be satisfied for safety evidence to be valid in a different context. Currently, the most commonly used approaches that facilitate reuse lack support for systematic reuse of safety artefacts.To facilitate systematic reuse of safety artefacts we provide a method to generate reusable safety case argument-fragments that include supporting evidence related to compositional safety analysis. The generation is performed from safety contracts that capture safety-relevant behaviour of components in assumption/guarantee pairs backed up by the supporting evidence. We evaluate the feasibility of our approach in a real-world case study where a safety related component developed in isolation is reused within a wheel-loader.


author = {Irfan Sljivo and Barbara Gallina and Jan Carlson and Hans Hansson and Stefano Puri},
title = {A Method to Generate Reusable Safety Case Argument-Fragments from Compositional Safety Analysis},
volume = {131},
pages = {570--590},
month = {July},
year = {2016},
journal = {Journal of Systems and Software: Special Issue on Software Reuse},
publisher = {Elsevier},
url = {}