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Comparison of green lean tools: A Swedish case study


Sasha Shahbazi, Martin Kurdve, Christina Jönsson , Mats Zackrisson , Anna Runa Kristinsdottir

Publication Type:

Article, review


Journal of Cleaner Production




To achieve sustainable development goals, it is essential to include the industrial system. There are sufficient numbers of tools and methods to measure, assess and improve the quality, productivity and efficiency of production, but the number of tools and methods for environmental initiatives on the shop floor is rather low. The environmental considerations in production and performance management systems is still a top-down approach aggregated for the whole manufacturing plant. Lean and green studies have been attempting to fill this gap to some extent, but the lack of detailed methodologies or practical tools for environmental manufacturing improvement on the shop floor remain evident. This paper reports on application of four environmental assessment tools, commonly used among Swedish manufacturing companies: Green Performance Map (GPM), Environmental Value Stream Map (EVSM), Waste Flow Mapping (WFM), and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to the same process of vehicle frame production. Furthermore, these tools are evaluated based on different criteria and compared to help practitioners and scholars use the correct tool considering particular questions and industrial settings. There are overlaps and differences between the tools. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses and can be applied in different situations depending on the question posed, e.g., expected results and level of evaluation (site, process or cell). A combination of tools is also suggested to embrace different type of data collection and analysis to include different environmental impacts for better prioritization and decision-making.


author = {Sasha Shahbazi and Martin Kurdve and Christina J{\"o}nsson and Mats Zackrisson and Anna Runa Kristinsdottir},
title = {Comparison of green lean tools: A Swedish case study},
volume = {14},
number = {17},
journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production},
publisher = {Elsevier},
url = {}