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Local positioning for wireless sensors based on Bluetooth/spl trade/

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Radio and Wireless Conferrence


Self-organizing sensor networks are one of the systems that would benefit from the new local positioning features offered by the new generation of wireless technologies. Location dependent sensor data transfers could be optimized by means of local positioning services. Many start-up companies have available proprietary positioning systems meeting the unique requirements of each application. Therefore, the use of a standard like Bluetooth/spl trade/ is a step towards a universal solution. Our system provides location services for mobile industrial and biomedical Bluetooth/spl trade/ -enabled sensors. The RSSI distance estimation, together with a GPS-like triangulation algorithm, lead to a 3 m error positioning system with remote and self positioning topologies. A real time positioning tracking system for one mobile sensor is provided in this article.


@inproceedings{Garcia Castano739,
author = {Javier Garcia Casta{\~n}o and Michael Svensson and Mikael Ekstr{\"o}m},
title = { Local positioning for wireless sensors based on Bluetooth/spl trade/},
editor = {IEEE},
pages = {195--198},
month = {September},
year = {2004},
booktitle = {Radio and Wireless Conferrence},
url = {}