Jessica Bruch, Professor

Jessica Bruch was awarded a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management in 2006, a Licentiate in Engineering in 2009, and a Ph.D. in Innovation and Design in 2012. Promoted associate professor (docent) in Product and process development in 2016 and full professor in Production Systems at Mälardalen Univeristy in 2018, working at the product and production development research group.


My research interest concerns technological and organizational aspects of production development at the project, company and interorganizational level. Current and ongoing projects focus on inter-organizational collaboration for joint production technology development, processes for production development, models for the front-end of process innovation, organisational readiness for smart factory implementation and intra organisational collaboration in global production settings. I am currently acting as project manager for multiple research project funded by for example the knowledge foundation and SRA. My research is carried out in close collaboration with leading manufacturing companies such as Volvo CE, Volvo GTO, GKN, Alfa Laval, Volvo Cars, Bombardier and SKF. I have articles authored or co-authored in multiple international research journals or conferences, including articles in Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management and International Journal of Services Sciences.


I am project member within MITC, which is the primary co-creation platform with the manufacturing industry of the region. Academia, MITC Ltd and the industry partners work together towards increased competitiveness through competence development and technology transfer. I have experience from teaching courses in production systems, development processes, strategic management, theory of science, technology development, and other subjects to engineering students at the graduate and post graduate level. I frequently act as supervisor at the B.Sc., M.Sc. for our students in the production and logistic program and I am supervisor for Ph.D. students. I am also Project Manager for the PREMIUM project (Professional Education for Manufacturing Innovation), which aims to give key persons in the Swedish manufacturing industry a continuous competence boost.

PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Erik Flores-García
Staffan Andersson
Victor Azamfirei
Viktoria Badasjane

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Siavash Javadi