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Component-based approach for Embedded Systems



Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Ninth International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming


This paper addresses component-based approach for embedded systems. Due to the specific characteristics of embedded systems the general-purpose component technologies such as COM, .NET, or EJB have not been the most appropriate choices for their development. Although attractive, component-based approach has not been successful in this domain as in other domains. However in recent years the interest for component-based approach in embedded systems increases. The experience has shown that existing technologies cannot be used, or at least used directly. On the other hand an increasing understanding of principles of component-based approach makes it possible to utilize these principles in implementation of different component-based models, more appropriate for embedded systems. This paper gives an overview of basic characteristics of embedded systems, their requirements and constraints, and the implications to component models for these systems.


author = {Ivica Crnkovic},
title = {Component-based approach for Embedded Systems},
month = {June},
year = {2004},
booktitle = {Ninth International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming},
url = {}