Zahra Moezkarimi, Post Doc, Postdoctoral research fellow

Zahra is a postdoctoral researcher at Mälardalen University (MDU), Västerås, Sweden. She is working on modeling and formal verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). 

For her PhD, Zahra has worked on privacy policies and information leakage analysis in social networks using Process Algebra and Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Her approach was general enough to be used in other domains. She has used Maude to prototype my proposed framework.  

Before and during her PhD, Zahra also worked as a researcher and developer. Her main responsibilities were to investigate the architectures of various solutions for technologies such as cloud and HPC, IoT, big data, and blockchain, extract comprehensive feature sets, and compare platforms based on selected features. This resulted in several technical reports, papers, and workshops (most of them in Farsi). She also contributed to the development of MVPs for some of them. Furthermore, she has hands-on experience in teamwork, roadmap creation, technical leadership, CI/CD, Scrum, as well as shell scripting in Linux and Python. 

I am currently working on modeling and formal verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), with a particular focus on redundant distributed controllers and controller synthesis. My main tool for this work is Rebeca (Reactive Object Language), an actor-based language tailored for the modeling and formal verification of reactive, concurrent, and distributed systems. I am utilizing the timed extension of Rebeca, Timed-Rebeca, and Rebeca's user-friendly model checking tool, Afra.