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Probabilistic Scheduling Guarantees in Distributed Real-Time Systems under Error Bursts



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Dependable communication is becoming a critical factor due to the pervasive usage of networked embedded systems that increasingly interact with human lives in many real-time applications. However, these systems are often subject to faults that manifest as error bursts and a ect the timing properties of the messages used in the communication. Controller Area Network (CAN) has gained wider acceptance as a standard in a large number of distributed industrial and control applications, mostly due to its cost e fectiveness, efficient bandwidth utilization, ability to provide real-time guarantees, as well as its fault-tolerant capability. Research so far has focussed on rather simplistic error models which assume only singleton errors separated by a minimum interarrival time. However, error bursts of various lengths during message transmissions have an adverse e ect on the message response times that needs to be accounted for. In this paper we propose a methodology which enables the provision of appropriate probabilistic real-time guarantees in distributed real-time systems under error bursts. The proposed approach introduces a comprehensive probabilistic error model together with appropriate schedulability analysis for the particular case of real-time message scheduling on CAN.


author = {H{\"u}seyin Aysan and Radu Dobrin and Sasikumar Punnekkat and Juli{\'a}n Proenza},
title = {Probabilistic Scheduling Guarantees in Distributed Real-Time Systems under Error Bursts},
year = {2011},
url = {}