Tools, Demos and Artefacts Track is on a separate page.
Yeonhee Ryou and Sukyoung Ryu. Automatic Detection of Visibility Faults by Layout Changes in HTML5 Web Pages
Yunho Kim, Shin Hong, Bongseok Ko, Duy Loc Phan and Moonzoo Kim. Invasive Software Testing: Mutating Target Programs to Diversify Test Exploration for High Test Coverage
Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi, Zhongxing Yu, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus. Exhaustive Exploration of the Failure-oblivious Computing Search Space
Alessio Gambi, Jonathan Bell and Andreas Zeller. Practical Test Dependency Detection
Qianqian Zhu, Annibale Panichella and Andy Zaidman. An Investigation of Compression Techniques to Speed up Mutation Testing
Hojat Khosrowjerdi, Karl Meinke and Andreas Rasmusson. Virtualized-Fault Injection Testing: a Machine Learning Approach
Yavuz Koroglu, Alper Sen, Ozlem Muslu, Yunus Mete, Ceyda Ulker, Tolga Tanriverdi and Yunus Donmez. QBE: QLearning-Based Exploration of Android Applications
Fatemeh Sharifi and Hadi Hemmati. Investigating NLP-based Approaches for Predicting Manual Test Case Failure
Abdullah Alsharif, Gregory Kapfhammer and Phil McMinn. DOMINO: Fast and Effective Test Data Generation for Relational Database Schemas
Jie Wang, Wensheng Dou, Chushu Gao, Yu Gao and Jun Wei. Context-Based Event Trace Reduction in Client-Side JavaScript Applications
Wei Wang, Ningjing Tian, Sunzhou Huang, Sen He, Abhijeet Srivastava, Mary Lou Soffa and Lori Pollock. Testing Cloud Applications under Cloud-Uncertainty Performance Effect
Akond Rahman and Laurie Williams. Characterizing Defective Configuration Scripts Used for Continuous Deployment
Tim Henderson and Andy Podgurski. Behavioral Fault Localization by Sampling Suspicious Dynamic Control Flow Subgraphs
Mohammad Bajammal and Ali Mesbah. Web Canvas Testing through Visual Inference
Marcelo Medeiros Eler, José Miguel Rojas, Yan Ge and Gordon Fraser. Automated Accessibility Testing of Mobile Apps
Leonardo Mariani, Cristina Monni, Mauro Pezzè, Oliviero Riganelli and Rui Xin. Localizing Faults in Cloud Systems
Sina Shamshiri, José Miguel Rojas, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Neil Walkinshaw and Gordon Fraser. How Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Influence Software Maintenance?
Dipesh Pradhan, Shuai Wang, Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue and Marius Liaaen. REMAP: Using Rule Mining and Multi-Objective Search for Dynamic Test Case Prioritization
Ruihua Ji, Zhong Li, Shouyu Chen, Minxue Pan, Tian Zhang, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali and Xuandong Li. Uncovering Unknown System Behaviors in Uncertain Networks with Model and Search-based Testing
Chunhui Wang, Fabrizio Pastore and Lionel Briand. Automated Generation of Constraints from Use Case Specifications to Support System Testing
Yang Feng, James Jones, Zhenyu Chen and Chunrong Fang. An Empirical Study on Multi-Label Techniques for Software Failure Classification
Farah Hariri, August Shi, Owolabi Legunsen, Milos Gligoric, Sarfraz Khurshid and Sasa Misailovic. Approximate Transformations as Mutation Operators
Christopher Steven Timperley, Afsoon Afzal, Deborah Katz, Jam Marcos Hernandez and Claire Le Goues. Crashing simulated planes is cheap: Can simulation detect robotics bugs early?
Benjamin Mehne, Hiroaki Yoshida, Mukul Prasad, Koushik Sen, Divya Gopinath and Sarfraz Khurshid. Accelerating Search-based Program Repair
Lingchao Chen and Lingming Zhang. Speeding up Mutation Testing via Regression Test Selection: An Extensive Study
Vaibhav Sharma, Kesha Hietala and Stephen McCamant. Finding Substitutable Binary Code By Synthesizing Adapters
Sonal Mahajan, Abdulmajeed Alameer, Phil McMinn and William G.J. Halfond. Automated Repair of Internationalization Failures Using Style Similarity Clustering and Search-Based Techniques
Andreas Löscher and Konstantinos Sagonas. Automating Targeted Property-Based Testing
Emil Alégroth, Arvid Karlsson and Alexander Radway. Continuous Integration and Visual GUI Testing: Benefits and Drawbacks in Industrial Practice
Zijiang Yang, Jinru Hua, Kaiyuan Wang and Sarfraz Khurshid. Test Execution Driven Synthesis of API Sequences With Conditionals and Loops
Apala Ray, Vipin Raj, Manuel Oriol, Aurelien Monot and Sebastian Obermeier. Bluetooth Low Energy Devices Security Testing Framework
Christian Schwarzl and Jens Herrmann. Systematic Test Platform Selection
Benedikt Walter, Maximilian Schilling, Marco Piechotta and Stephan Rudolph. Improving Test Execution Efficiency through Clustering and Reordering of Independent Test Steps
Vidroha Debroy, Lance Brimble and Matt Yost. Automating Web Application Testing from the Ground Up: Experiences and Lessons Learned in an Industrial Setting
Christian Prause, Rainer Gerlich and Ralf Gerlich. On Evaluating Effectiveness and Efficiency of Several Automated Software Verification Tools
Date: April 9 – 13, 2018
Conference: April 10 – 12, 2018
Workshops: April 9, and 13
Venue: Aros Congress Center
Location: Västerås, Sweden
Conference (CFP, EasyChair):
Oct. 5th 2017
Submission of Abstract
Oct. 12th 16th 2017 (AoE)
Submission of the Full Research Papers
Dec. 18th 2017
Author notification
PhD Symposium (CFP, EasyChair):
Jan. 31st 2018
Submission deadline
Workshops (CFWP):
Sep. 8th 2017
Proposals submitted
Jan. 12th 2018
Workshop papers submitted
Tools, demos and artefacts track
Jan. 12th 21st, 2018
Submission deadline
Feb. 12th 21st, 2018
Notification of acceptance