ICST 2018 invites high quality submissions in all areas of software testing, verification, and validation. Papers for the industry track should have a strong industrial/practical component and focus more on impact than (technical) novelty.
The ICST Industry track focuses on the same topics and values the same rigor as the research track, yet papers featured in the industry track are distinct. What sets the industry track apart is that it values impact and realism over novelty. We expect that findings from industry track publications have the potential to impact practice in the 0-2 year range. Ideally they should have been evaluated on real-world, industrial data and discuss issues like scalability, costs and strategies for introduction in practice, and advancement compared to existing industrial best practice. The industry track papers have the same length limitations as research track papers and will be published in the ICST 2018 proceedings and listed by IEEE databases.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the ICST Program Committee.
We will invite authors of the best papers presented at ICST 2018 to extend and submit their work to a special issue of Journal of Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability (STVR). Both research and industry track papers are eligible and the final selection is made by the PC.
Full Research Papers as well as Industry papers must conform to the two-column IEEE conference publication format. Templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available from http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html: please use the letter
format template and conference
Papers should be submitted in the PDF format: they must not exceed ten pages, plus up to two pages of references. Submissions will be handled via EasyChair http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icst2018.
Papers must neither have been previously accepted for publication nor be under submission in another conference or journal. The ICST 2018 research track accepts only full research papers. Short papers are not accepted to the research track.
For your paper to be published in the ICST 2018 conference proceedings, at least one of the authors of the paper must register for the conference and confirm that she/he will present the paper in person.
How to submit? Submissions will be handled via EasyChair at http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icst2018
Industry track papers need not be double-blinded. Please contact the Program Co-chairs if you have any further question about the DBR process.
Date: April 9 – 13, 2018
Conference: April 10 – 12, 2018
Workshops: April 9, and 13
Venue: Aros Congress Center
Location: Västerås, Sweden
Conference (CFP, EasyChair):
Oct. 5th 2017
Submission of Abstract
Oct. 12th 16th 2017 (AoE)
Submission of the Full Research Papers
Dec. 18th 2017
Author notification
PhD Symposium (CFP, EasyChair):
Jan. 31st 2018
Submission deadline
Workshops (CFWP):
Sep. 8th 2017
Proposals submitted
Jan. 12th 2018
Workshop papers submitted
Tools, demos and artefacts track
Jan. 12th 21st, 2018
Submission deadline
Feb. 12th 21st, 2018
Notification of acceptance