The School of Computing at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology will award three student travel awards to underrepresented graduate students for ICST 2018. The award will be exemption from the student registration fee (roughly equivalent to 780 USD).
Eligibility Requirements
It is not required that applicants present their papers at ICST 2018 to receive these grants. However, in the application email, please do state your participation (i.e. papers in the research/industry track or presentations at the PhD symposium) at ICST 2018.
Application Process
To be considered for a travel award, please submit the following material via email to by 1st of March.
Successful applicants will be notified by 6th of March via email. Once notified, the recipients should confirm whether they accept the award within a week.
Date: April 9 – 13, 2018
Conference: April 10 – 12, 2018
Workshops: April 9, and 13
Venue: Aros Congress Center
Location: Västerås, Sweden
Conference (CFP, EasyChair):
Oct. 5th 2017
Submission of Abstract
Oct. 12th 16th 2017 (AoE)
Submission of the Full Research Papers
Dec. 18th 2017
Author notification
PhD Symposium (CFP, EasyChair):
Jan. 31st 2018
Submission deadline
Workshops (CFWP):
Sep. 8th 2017
Proposals submitted
Jan. 12th 2018
Workshop papers submitted
Tools, demos and artefacts track
Jan. 12th 21st, 2018
Submission deadline
Feb. 12th 21st, 2018
Notification of acceptance